
IB semester 6 programme

IB semester 6 programme

IB Graduation 1 Program = Sem6 IB = Mono disciplinary = 30 EC

Information below only concerns IB students that follow the specializations marketing, operations & supply chain and Organization & Change. IB students that follow the Commerce specialization cannot follow the RBS Multi-disciplinary programs.

IB-Core Sem6  = 12 EC

During semester six in the third year of the International Business programme, both PAS and Business subjects are combined into two Core modules of block 3 and 4.

Block 3 IB-Core Advanced International Business I -  IBPAIB123R3 -  6EC
Block 4 IB-Core Advanced International Business II – IBPAIB222R3 -  6EC

Description of program IB semester six

The Core modules learn students about economic, legal and financial challenges in a dynamic international business environment. Students have to demonstrate that they master legal, economic and financial knowledge and skills required for their own specialisation.

The modules allow for a student-centred learning experience, because during a part of the modules, the student is in charge of selecting the topics in relation to contemporary challenges to society and business that they consider the most relevant to their interests and future careers. Business English & Communication is an integral part of these modules.

The goal of block 3 is that students demonstrate the ability to produce a clear and concisely written research report that displays advanced understanding of key concepts in international Law, Economics and Finance & Accounting that can support development of strategic decisions for various (international) organisations. 

The Economics and Finance & Accounting tracks continue into block 4. Students demonstrate, in a thesis-structured, individual report, advanced International Business management skills in areas of that will allow for development of strategic goals and decision-making by an international oriented company. 

IB-Specialisations Sem6 = 18 EC

Next to the two IB Core modules, students are continuing to follow their specialization modules during semester six.

Marketing specialisation

Block 3 IB Marketing Value Creation and Innovation I  - IBPVCI121R3-M – 9 EC
Block 4 IB Marketing Value Creation and Innovation II - IBPVCI221R3-M – 9 EC

In year 3, the marketing specialization focusses on the development of a roadmap of growth for a real client using the business design thinking methodology. Visual thinking and human centred insighting will be polished during this semester. While applying one of the most modern problem-solving methodologies students will become acquainted with various value-creation marketing topics and create empathy maps, insights maps, (needs based) customer journeys, customer experience maps and many other Design Thinking related visuals. When an innovative solution to the marketing problem at hand is created, the student is asked to suggest specific changes/adaptations in the (digital) marketing strategy of the company to support the suggested innovative solution. 

During these blocks, students answer different innovation and value creation related questions such as: 

  • How does the design thinking methods can help a company with its marketing strategy?
  • How to solve a complex marketing problem of scale-ups and well-established firms?
  • How to truly empathize with your customers/noncustomers?
  • How to generate and select ideas and prototype them
  • How to adapt your (digital) marketing strategy based on the learnings of your tests

Organisation & Change specialisation

Block 3 IB Organisation & Change Value Creation and Innovation I  -  IBPVCI121R3-O – 9 EC
Block 4 IB Organisation & Change Value Creation and Innovation II -  IBPVCI221R3-O – 9 EC

In year 3, students are given a real business problem to solve for a client with a technology-based innovation, thereby taking on the role of junior consultants. The methodologies of Lean Business Modeling and Design Thinking will be applied to design a business model based on a specific assignment. In addition, short- and long-term advice regarding organizing and managing innovation, how to collaborate in an ecosystem and longer-term strategic foresight to help the company grow will be provided. During these blocks, students answer different innovation and value creation related questions such as: 

  • What are possible innovation models and strategies? 
  • How does the design thinking method support business model innovation?
  • How to develop the business model for start-ups and scale-ups by using the Lean start-up method? 
  • What does it take, internally, for organizations to innovate and scale successfully?
  • How can organizations collaborate in an ecosystem? 

Operations & supply chain specialisation

Block 3 IB Operations and Supply Change Value Creation and Innovation I  -  IBPVCI121R3-S – 9 EC
Block 4 IB Operations and Supply Change Value Creation and Innovation II -  IBPVCI221R3-S – 9 EC

 In year 3, students will be trained to answer different innovation and value creation related questions for supply chain such as:

Block 3 Setting up a project plan for value chain thinking by making use of the DMDAV methodology
Block 4 Report supply chain solutions resulting from the research